Monday, November 3, 2008


I guess it's Nov. 3rd so I need to post another reason what I am thankful for! I am thankful to be a woman! Some may laugh, but I am dead serious! I am so grateful that I come from a lineage of great wonderful women. My grandma's to start. I have yet been able to meet my Grandma Turner, she was killed before I was even born. I see her beautiful pictures and I know her children's funny sense of humor and I get a glimpse of what this wonderful, loving woman was. I made a movie a while back with a bunch of my dad's ancestor pictures. It was so fun getting to see the beauty of family that I haven't' met. There were many wonderful women on my dad's side that I can't wait to meet in the next life. I think I may have gotten my sick, warped sense of humor from his side. Next, my mom's mom! Growing up I loved sleeping over at her house and playing with her dress-ups. Each time we had a sleep over my grandparents would let me chose my favorite cereal. My grandma was a wonderful mom and must have installed that into my own mother. Words can't express the love I have for my mom. I think sometimes I give her a shock when I joke about things. I loved growing up playing outside while she did the garden. That is one talent I did not acquire- cooking or gardening. Poor Trent. I do remember all the fun little things we did growing up, like making cookies (This is something I do with my children, probably too much)and enjoying each of the holidays. My mom says they didn't have much money when I was growing up, but we made our own fun and I would have never known. I was a very happy child. All the loved ones in my life has made me who I am today, but I must give it to Trent for showing me who I was meant to be. He opens my eyes and listens to my complaints, or debates. He knew the woman I was before I could even recognize her myself. I do like her. I am grateful that being a woman, I have a love for children, not just my own but all children. I hope that I can be a good enough mom and woman to my family that my children will grow up even better than I could teach them. Some may say that being a woman is no different than that of a man. I beg to differ. We are made to be different for a reason. I love being a woman in America where I can utilize my divine nature without being punished, killed, or treated in a way God never intended. I am grateful for being a woman in this generation where I have the opportunity to do things those in my family tree couldn't. There are many women in my life that I look up to: my mother in law, sisters, sister in laws, cousins, aunts, and many friends!


Lyndee W. said...

You are so awesome. I love when you post thoughts like helps me to remember.

Holly said...

Great post Jamie, as always.

Alisa and Crowells said...

What a great tribute Jamie. Dress-ups, sleep-overs, and favorite cereals at grandma's--I totally agree with you. :)

Eric and Jenny said...

Great post! What an honor to the wonderful women in your life. I loved this one!