Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today I took the kids with me to vote before I dropped Hannah off at school. Luckily the lines were short! When I was the first one in line, Austin turns to me and says, " Mommy, I need to go potty." I told him he was just going to have to wait. Then he wanted to hold the card and when I told him no, he started flipping out. He thought he was so funny to touch the screen so I would mess up my vote. Who knows who I voted for now~! jk. At the end he hit the screen and was so proud, even though I had told him not to touch anything! I decided to give him my sticker since it was him who pretty much voted for me!


Thiago & Teri said...

Well even though it sounds like it was kind of hectic for you...at least you voted. More than I can say for myself. I had a Dr. apptment and watched my sisters kids all day, soooo I didn't go. Oops!

Lyndee W. said...

Were you coming back from voting when I passed you around 2:45? Voting was quick for me...walked right in and seconds later voted for...neither presidential candidate! I wrote in my vote. I couldn't in good conscience vote for either McCain or Obama!

Jamie said...

I waited about twenty minutes. Yes that was me you passed, Thank you for your note your so cute!

Cameron said...

He totally voted for Obama, didn't he! :-)