Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Don't be confused from one of the classic scary movies "THE Changeling" I was excited to see this true story(I wonder if there is a book out about it), until sadly I found out it is rated "R" bummer!~ I hate when that happens. However speaking of "The Changeling" some girls in my ward are coming over for a girls movie night this Friday to watch it! It should be fun!


Lyndee W. said...

No way! We're seriously watching The Changeling!? One of my all-time favorite scary movies; right up there with Rebecca and Watcher in the Woods...totally creepy! See ya Friday!

Lyndee W. said...

Hey, just found your comment about my signature. If you're still confused I could help you with it if you want. It would be easier if you came to my house though 'cuz I have the photo-editing software on my comp. Do you like your sig as large as it is, or do you want it smaller like mine? Think about it. Let me know. I helped Sara Clements get hers started and I'm going to give a seminar on Blogger in October down in Richfield...I heart Blogger! {sorry, you'd think this was a Blogger commercial!}

Jamie said...

You are like the only other person who has even HEARD of "The Changeling"! I have Watcher in the Woods too!! No wonder we click!! lol

Holly said...

I've heard of "The changeling", but never seen it. I remember watching "Watcher in the Woods" when I was little and being terrified. I totally forgot about that movie until now. Scary movies freak me out so if I talk to much during it I'm sorry;)

Cameron said...

For your own safety, keep at least a 2 foot distance between Holly and anyone else around her during scary movies. She gets a little jumpy. And grabby. And she has long sharp fingernails. Remember "What Lies Beneath", Holly?

Team Reid said...

Wasn't The Changeling the movie we started with Crystal and we stopped it half way through? I seriously think it was that one! I never did see the end of it cause I didn't get to come over when you and C watched the rest of it. I have looked everywhere trying to find it to rent and have so far been unsuccessful. Sad! :(

Jamie said...

HAHA Kim yes it is!!! It is one you really have to pay attention to, I found it at the used movie store and bought it because it is so hard to find. Holly & Cameron I love scaring people, I don't get scared easily(unlike my husband, jk ) I have some good stories.... I have "Watcher in the Woods" "The Changeling" and " what lies beneath" so we can watch either one, in my opinion The Changeling is the scariest! Kim I miss our "Alfred Hitchcock" nights, we need to get together Vertigo is still my favorite.

Jamie said...

p.s Kim we watched it without you? Man we were Jerks~