Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I used to visit a nursing home when I was a teenager with my friends. I miss it so much!! Before college I worked at two of them and my favorite part was the Alzheimer's unit. I wanted to be able to go with my kids and finally today I got up the courage to just take them. Hannah and Austin made some cards for the people. We saw "five grandma's and one grandpa" so Hannah says. One little lady said her husband just passed away three weeks ago and that she loved Faith. Faith was smiling at her the whole time. She kept hugging Hannah and Austin and telling me to please come back in the morning. We saw some other people and talked to them. I was surprised my kids weren't nervous and loved getting hugs from all the people! I was so happy to be able to go because it makes me feel happier. I like the person I am when I am around them. I knew that my kids would be a hit. I wish my husband wasn't so nervous around people in the nursing home, my next quest is to get him to come along. He really is missing out.

1 comment:

Holly said...

I want to go with you next time and take my kids. What an awesome teaching experience! You're a great mom Jamie!