Monday, March 8, 2010

Today is my 8th anniversary!~ I remember this time 8 years ago, I was making a scrapbook and couldn't sleep. I was so excited for the day. It was a snowy day but by the time we were done being married around 2 the snow stopped. That was one of the happiest days of my life. Today I can't sleep because my little girl woke up after Trent had to run out the door for work. I have seen people post the facts about the years gone by so I Wanted to do the same.

In our eight years of marriage there has been 2,760 days
3 kids = 27 months of being pregnant, 36 months of nursing and getting up in the night. 7 (and counting) straight years of changing diapers.

4+ years of schooling, three companies, 4 moves, many friends!

8 years of laughs, joys, giggles, tears, hugs, and talks!

I love you Trent with all my heart and soul, you are my best friend, my shoulder to lean on and I look forward to the many more years ahead!

1 comment:

Lyndee W. said...

That was a cute post!