Monday, June 29, 2009

Land That I love

Since the 4th of July is coming up and I live in America, it is therefore our Independence day~ I decided to talk about things that I love. First off I am so grateful for the many young, brave, men and women who have had the courage to fight and stand up for America. I love that this young country is free enough that people can express their own views without being punished. They have a right to open their mouths, and stand up for what they believe. I am glad those that disagree/agree with me have a right to shout it out. Those of you who know me know that I am a little obsessed with WWII and 9/11. I decided when I go back to school after my kids are in school, I might not just go into teaching, but I would love to teach history. My heart aches for that time in history and all those who were involved. There are MANY Other pain/sorrows/war/hero's and so on to talk about, but as I think of war I think of the heartbroken mothers that had the courage to send her son/sons/daughters away to fight for the freedom of others, only to saw goodbye for the last time. The spouses that dedicate the time for their loved one to be gone to stand up for what is right. I know America isn't perfect and I can see why other countries have a hard time with her. I am so thankful for our founding fathers who were on the right track of wanting a choice place to be free.

1 comment:

Thiago & Teri said...

Very nice post...fitting for this time of year!