Wednesday, June 10, 2009

call me crazy but I think I am jumping on the bandwagon with other bloggers out there. I am going to try for a month to spend nothing that I don't need except gas in the car, groceries, and bills. I will be getting rid of the Internet (hello free aol cards) I already canceled the tv (Hello free movies at the Library) and will have to find free things to do with the family/friends. We have done this before, now it's time to put my butt in gear once again. It's also nice to know you can do it for the heck of it and save some money, others out there HAVE to do it because of loss of jobs. Either way it's a good try out for a month!

1 comment:

Slipcovers by Shelley said...

in the thursday paper (yesterdays... there's an insert about stuff going on that's free) i still have it if you are interested.