Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hannah was student of the week in her class. We made a poster all about her. She helped me glue on all the pictures, and she chose out the ones she wanted. Her teacher and I have been trying to get Hannah to enjoy all day school. Last year she loved kindergarten, I am not sure if it is because she is in the portables, or because two little boys try to tease her (I told her boys will tease her if they like her, she still didn't think it was funny.) Or whatnot but she had been struggling a little bit this year. It has been hard to see your daughter struggle, you just want to be able to pull her out and do everything to make it better. I remember being in Jr. high and HATING It. It wasn't until 9th grade when I started to enjoy school again. I wished my mom had taken me out and home schooled me like my neighbor friend was. It works for a lot of people, but even though I had to go through the crap I did, I honestly think it made me a stronger person. So we decided to help Hannah make new friends, be more vocal to the teacher if there are problems and to stick up for herself. So far she is been doing great. I am glad we stuck to our guns and worked together to make her happy, and she realized that when there is problems she can come to us and we will help HER make the right choices in fixing the problem. While I told Trent we needed to switch classes, he showed me that we just needed to give it time and that she needed to get out of this problem, or she would always think we could run to her rescue on anything. I am proud of her and she has made a lot of progress. She was student of the month in Kindergarten and she was also Student of the Month in first grade this year. I told Hannah if she was good and helped me around the house she could invite some new friends to her own Halloween party. We frosted sugar cookies, did the monster mash, watched the Great Pumpkin, musical chairs, Pumpkin,pumpkin Witch (duck duck goose) and sparkled pumpkins. The kids loved it!

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