Monday, November 23, 2009

"Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done."

Last year I wrote "What I am thankful for" Post every day of Nov. It made me happy and excited to come up with what I am thankful for. This year my heart swells with thankfulness, but it's from my trials that brings the simple pleasures of life to the surface.

Last night we were driving home from St.George. Our car broke down and the kids and I all had fevers. We hopped in the back of the car and fell asleep in a sleeping bag. I was so grateful for the car to keep us shelter from the blizzard that was outside. AS I sat there I started to think back about a couple of dreams that I have had in the last couple weeks that really got me thinking. What if we only had a year left to live? What would we miss? What would we wish we could do different? How would we get our family prepared? What would we do now to prepare for that. Don't worry I am not going anywhere. However, I decided if I had only a year to live, I want to get my family prepared. Prepared financially out of debt, prepared with enough food and water if disaster hits they will be ok. I also decided to make homemade gifts this year out of financial obligation but then it got me thinking what a great gift it would be to have. I recorded my voice reading to my kids. I am starting to write my testimony and history, all the good AND bad. My life isn't perfect. I don't paint a perfect picture. I am blunt, I am honest, and I am human. I don't want to talk to someone who pretends everything is A ok. I want to know we are n this life together to help one another out. Who cares what others think, it's lessons like these and people who are brave enough to talk about their trials that I am thankful for. I am thankful to be alive, to have friends who are like family to me. I am so grateful for a family with a sense of humor and love that shines so deep within my soul. I am grateful for each one of my kids. WHile In St.GEorge I kept watching my husband do work outside. It brought back memories of being down there while we were dating. I am so in LOVE With that man. Watching him help his parents and just be around his parents house reminded me back in the day when I couldn't wait to be his. What he saw in me I will never completely know, but I love him with every inch of my soul.
I am grateful for the big family I Grew up in, with the big crazy get togethers. It's not a get togther unless we are cracking jokes, screaming at the top of our lungs trying to get a word in with my family,I love every moment of it!! I love getting together with my in laws and all the people in it. Some people don't like big crowds, but when it comes to family- IT has to be big!!

As I sat rubbing my kids heads to sleep in that car, It made me grateful for having even a heater so we weren't cold. I was grateful that the car broke down right at the off ramp and not stranded somewhere in the dark. I am grateful for family and friends who are willing to drop everything to come rescue us. Trent and I have had our share of trials, but with each one a jump of hope starts in my heart because for me it's God telling me, "Ok Jamie it's time for a change agian. You have done your part here, now hold on tight and enjoy the ride because you are going to learn from it and meet new people from it." Like we do everytime a trial happens. I can feel change in the air, it's there. I love this neighborhood and hope that change doesn't require us to move, But I will go where ever the Lord needs us. I could go on and on but tonight I am grateful for simple things, for life, for shelter, and for people who care.


skcoe said...

We've had you in our prayers the past few days. I hope that everything is okay, you had better CALL ME if you need anything!

Steph said...

You are amazing Jamie! you and trent have had some real hard times, and it seems like you never get a break, but you are so right things will work out and blessings will come, I love you guys and I am so proud to have Trent You, Hannah, Austin, and little Faith in my life. I know I don't see you much but you are always in my heart, always. Keep your chin up, (which it seems you have no problem doing). Life is so much bigger than the "right now" and love is soo much more needed with your kids than any presents could be, and you have an unlimited supply of that, and make sure they know and especially feel it. I love you Jamie, You are an example a true shining star (sorry so cheezy but it is true). See you soon.

Eric and Jenny said...

Great post, I loved reading what you have to say it's always so inspiring. Your testimony is so beautiful, you have a way of reminding me all that is good in life.

kelli said...

Sorry you are having such a hard time. I love you.

kelli said...

p.s. I like the big family gatherings too. I bet to anyone else we look like a crazy mormon version of "My BiG Fat Greek Wedding"