Friday, April 17, 2009

look at those fists~!

Here are some of the things happening at our house! One of my favorite things to do is when I bake cookies I take a spoon and snitch some from the oven when it is still dough, but warm enough to melt the chocolate!! Yum! Faith has two teeth and is a teething monster! She got so mad when I was giving her a bath and I had to turn the water off. She clinched her fists and made a mad face, screaming!! She does this when she wants me to pick her up too. I just let her throw the temper and tell her "I don't think so!!" She has been pulling herself up on the couch too. Hannah was walking at 9 months. Faith is walking if you hold her hands so we will see! Last night we let Faith cry herself to sleep (this is the third night) and of course when we get rid of one another one comes in... Hannah came crying in saying her ear was hurting. I looked in it but couldn't see anything different then when I normally look in it *We have a cool thing to check ears* and so I gave her some ear drops and she went to bed. This morning she seems to be fine. Faith loves playing with her toys. I can't believe how my baby is growing up so much. Kelli I love the picture you took of Brooke and her naked, wrinkly, little baby. It reminds me of when I would hold Faith ready to give her a little bath and she had the cutest little body ready to grow into!

1 comment:

Lyndee W. said...

Oh's been over two weeks since I've seen you guys! I'm crying cuz I miss you so much! Stupid tutus!