Saturday, March 21, 2009

Last night at Angie's house we played a game called "LIPS" if you like rock band with the singing, you will love this game! Trent said he saw it and you can get strobe light and fog machine with it. Angie also had the strobe light and fog machine (At least I think the ones they had came with the game) It made you want to dance! This game lets two people sing at the same time so it is a little like karaoke but you are competing against each other! It was real fun thanks Angie!


VanOrden Family said...

Yea I saw this so I went and bought it, fun game we took it to my brothers B-day party at my parents. It is hilarious.

The Johnson Fam said...

Looks like fun...I love the fog machine effect!!!

Nick and Stacey said...

Looks like fun! I have never heard of it, what are they going to come up with next?