Thursday, August 12, 2010

i have read this book and am searching through it the many examples. It teaches us as parents to teach our kids for the next 18 years how to teach children to be independent. Many people go to college not knowing how to do the laundry, cook, clean and budget for themselves. Their parents thought they were helping them by doing it all. This book shows us that as parents, we have a responsibility to teach our children so when they do leave, they CAN live on their own. In it is a couple of age groups when kids should be doing stuff in their household. You can make your own. I for instance, just taught Hannah and Austin how to clean the toilets. I have showed them three times, and now they get to do it to my standards when I ask them to. Hannah Loves doing laundry and so while she had that want, I showed her how. She now - gets to do her own. She thinks it's a privilege. This book is so cool and I thank April from homemaking for introducing it to us! Now I think I need to just buy this book, I keep wanting to Re-check it out from the library and it gets put on a hold. Darn. lol


Holly said...

I need to read this book. You're a great mom. And not only that but you're great to my kids too. They love you.

Slipcovers by Shelley said...

Do have this book? Can I borrow it?