- Sea of Galilee
Dead Sea
In the book I read "Hidden Treasures" (again thanks to Holly) I heard of the "sea of Galilee theory" The sea of Galilee receives abundant water, it also gives water to the Dead Sea. All around the Sea of Galilee things grow in abundance. You would think then that the Dead Sea would too right? Wrong. There are no outlets for the water to go, so this Dead Sea is exactly how it sounds. It hoards all the water to itself which in return turns to vapor and is left without abundance. So is life. Some call it Karma, some say it's God's abundance. Point being, is notice the Sea of Galilee continued to give, and also in return received more. Dead Sea kept it all for itself and it didn't grow in abundance. Same water source, one has an outlet the other doesn't. It makes minerals that don't allow things to grow, Notice the pictures of people floating all on their own in it. Kinda cool. This theory can be all things, material things, and even emotional things. For instance, sometimes giving others, we receive hope and joy in abundance and we keep receiving more when we give more. This is also true in money too as long as we believe we will be taken care of from God. We can believe we can always give because we will never run out. Trials will come and hit us, but we can learn to accept the things that are given and realize we are going through the refiners fire through it. I remember as a young kid I would always loose my library books and I KNEW God would help me find it. I am learning to receive that kind of faith again. When we get older you would think we would believe more, but for some reason doubt comes in stronger. I would always find those library books in places I know I had searched. I probably had stuffed them under my bed along with tons of other crap and therefore lost it all LOL. JK I was always a good cleaner. ;) Anyways, the reason I bring this up is because I am a very open person, to the point people think I am brave for reaveling such things. Actually I have learned not to care what others think and just realize I am giving back so that I can learn more to give more. There are a couple of books I have read, one called "His Needs, Her Needs" If you read this and think no way would this ever happen to you... hold on to your seat. You are not exempt from any of this. None of us are. I have also realized that many of us would be next to our loved ones beds if they were physically ill, but how many of us would be there when they were hurting within which caused us to hurt on the outside? How many of us would love our children no matter what, but when it comes to the person we promised to be with forever, we decide to leave when they hurt us? Now, this can be taken to the extent of codependency where you think you always have to stay in a relationship and let someone CONTINUE to hurt you. This isn't right and isn't so. This is why so many people go back to abusive relationships and continue to get hurt. There is a HUGE difference. The difference is if one is willing to change. This could mean ANYTHING in your life. Think of a person (It could even be yourself) who is continuing to hurt you, emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally and ask yourself what it is you need for them to stop doing, or what YOU need to do to stop doing to hurt others. The biggest lie is that we only hurt ourselves. I just heard on Bill O'Riley that Jen Aniston said that a man doesn't make a woman a good mother. When I first heard this I thought, what the crap is she talking about? Bill O'Riley said it would hurt us to believe that. I wonder what she really meant. Here is what I think. I don't need ANYONE to be a good mother, but myself. Meaning(Hang in there I'm getting to the point) that I CHOSE To be a good mom, by not just worrying about myself, but taking care of my kids in all aspects (read my next post about the next book I read). I think being a good mom, is actually taking care of YOURSELF. For so long I tried to forget my needs and wants, and that wasn't healthy for me or for my kids. You have to have balance. You need to be listening to them, laughing with them, taking care of them. It's a choice to be a good mom. NOW that being said, I don't make my husband a good father. HE decides to make himself a good father. Just like any choice we have. WE can't make others become, they have to on their own. You can talk till your blue in the face trying to get someone to change, but guess what, you NEVER will. FOCUS ON YOU. YOU CAN ONLY CHANGE YOU. Any injustice, hurt, or pain - turn them over to the one who understands and can take the burden. It's unearthly possible for you to on your own. Trust me I know! THEY have to change themselves. My saying this is reminding myself. Now, I can't EVER take the place of a father for my children, as my husband could never take my place. TOGETHER, a child needs a male and female role model. They balance each other out. For someone to say that they can meet all the needs of their children on their own, they are kidding themselves.We are made different for a REASON. now, Not everyone is so lucky, and they do the best they can. I know many people who turn out to be normal and great people with one parent, but they surely went through a struggle to get there. Just having my husband away sometimes, I see the hurt my kids go through. My baby is always going to male figures and sits by them. Infact she kept sitting on our friend Cameron's lap and making her friend Olivia (Cameron's daughter) mad. Faith can be so cute, but also such a little poop. On her birthday I went to my mom's after dropping Trent off. She kept sitting next to my brother in law Trent. (yes you read that right, my husband and sister's husband are both named Trent. ) If you, like I had thought that you don't make a difference in your kids life, you are so wrong. You may not always see it upfront, but ask if you can and you will. Back to the sea of Galilee theory, Give happily and by law and trusting God, you shall receive. But first you have to believe. You will see ways you never knew possible. My greatest examples of this whole theory are two people that I have come very close to, who have helped me (along with others- you all know who you are) through my struggles this year, They have shown me the way through their marriage, their giving, and their love for others and then have given me the materials and the examples without realizing them all. They are so selfless. Thank you for everything, and for getting me to read this book, and all the many things you have done in my life. Call me crazy but I like the idea. Jesus also taught many parables in front of both of these seas. Refer to the New Testament for more. :) I honestly believe, if we don't judge and are open to others we can learn from them and them from us. If you go to meetings where the Serenity Prayer is used you may understand where I am coming from more.
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
Amen. "
--Reinhold Niebuhr
I always love posts that make me think--thanks, jamie.
Jamie that was a great post. I'm so excited for you and what's in store for you. You're like a sister to me, I love you Jamie!
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