Saturday, August 21, 2010

Today I am grateful to be alive! I have such great family and friends. I can live finally in the moment and realize time isn't too late! I can live and make a difference in my life and in my kids lives. They are so excited to start school. Hannah has a boy teacher and Austin has a girl teacher. They were telling me how they want to switch teachers. Yesterday, Hannah went to a birthday party and I wish I had a camera. All her friends came running out of the house and one little girl named Noelle, came and put her arm around Hannah. IT was so cute to see how loved she is, and that girl seemed pretty mature for her age to come up to a friend and take her into the group. I love living out here.


Nick and Stacey said...

What a wonderful sight! It the best when you see that your children are accepted, just for who they are! You are a great mom!

Alisa and Crowells said...

Hannah IS darling--I'm not surprised a cute little girl put her arm around Hannah.

Team Reid said...

How cool! I am glad you live somewhere that has such great friends for all of you! It makes life so much more fun! :)

Steph said...

I miss you guys!! love you all.