Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My baby turned TWO on Sunday!! Wow where has the time flown?! I am so grateful for this little angel. I love that when you say her name, she responds with "Huh?" She pretends to be a dog, she always says "Kank you" thank you. She does sign for Please, and More. She is calling me Mamie (Jamie) now instead of Mommy. She says "Nigh nigh" (night night) She loves Barbie movies, Dressing up, laughing, Dancing, and her friend Olivia. She cracks me up everyday. I love how cute she is. Now, from the first picture, she is for sure is a Two year old!!!


Steph said...

Wow, seriously! where has the time gone. I hope she had a great birthday!!! I love you Faith!

Holly said...

I can't believe she's 2! I still remember when I met you and you were pregnant. Crazy how time flies!