Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Couple of new things. I saw a show a couple months ago called "FireProof" it is one of Kirk Cameron's movies. Trent thought it was very cheesy, but I thought it had a great message. If you haven't seen it, do. I bought the "Love Dare" Book and have been working on it. It's alright if I mention it on here, because Trent doesn't ever check my blog so I know he won't know. :)

My friend Holly gave me a book called " The JackRabbit Factor" that I am currently reading that goes along with "Hidden Treasures" It talks a lot about faith and having positive thoughts in life will get us what we desire most. I am trying to wrap my brain around it. I like it. I have always been kind of on the negative side of thinking (Oh that's selfish to want that, oh, I should be happy where I am. Money is the root of all evil....and so on.) Until now.

1 comment:

Holly said...

I need to read Fireproof, it sounds interesting.