You know the song sung by "The Bare Naked Ladies", If I had a million dollars? Well if I did, this is how I would spend it:
First off I would probably try to live off the interest, and give some to my close friends and families.
Second, I would pay off everything.
Third, I would start my own charity:
Hats for Cancer patients, Adopt a Grandparent(p.s I love the Snuggies for nursing home ideas people have come up with, maybe we could do a chia pet for them too ;))
Fourth, I would take the kids and then the hubby on vacation.
Fifth I would be saving for this.. ((Three to be exact))
what would YOU do?
That all sounds good to me, but I think I would have to throw in a shopping spree too, items you don't really need but just really want. I mean if you have a million dollars you might as well...
I would definitely pay tithing, make a generous donation to the church, put some aside for the kids weddings and schooling, pay off all debt and buy my Mom a new house.
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