Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Saturday Trent and I were able to go to the Draper Temple. We got all dressed up and took a picture, but my camera is dumb and somehow that picture got erased. Argh. The thing that mattered though is how nice it was to go just the two of us. Trent is the best. He left for Montana and we may or may not be able to go up there this summer to be with him. In a month I am going to be done with preschool until I decide if I want to start it back up again in a few years. My little sister is getting married also in May, and my brother and his family are coming to visit! May is already filling up on my calendar and will be over like April is before I know it!

1 comment:

kelli said...

how long is he going for? You can come live at my house for the summer