Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I have a friend that I met before I was in kindergarten. I remember her family babysitting my brother and I. I remember the times we would put on silly plays and record them in elementary school. Of Course with Jr. High and High School we went our separate ways, but we still keep in contact through our blogs. Her name is Stacey and she just had her third baby on April 4th. Sat they found out that their only girl has Leukemia and will be in the hospital for 6 months and has started chemo today. Please Pray for her little girl Faye. At this time it should be a happy time for just having a new baby, and then to find out this, it breaks my heart. If you can help them out in any way please go to this website: fayesfight.blogspot.com I am posting it for KLOVE and I am sure people there can help donate money to help them out.

1 comment:

Eric and Jenny said...

I love seeing all of these beautiful posts for Stacey, it warms my heart you know. Life can be so cruel and mean but it's funny how at the same time it can remind you of how good the world can be and the power of love. It amazes me.