We got our dog Charlie a year and a half ago. This was my first pet ever. I swear the dog had A.D.D but he still worked his way into our hearts. This dog would jump so high when you would put a stuffed animal in the air, he loved to cuddle and would let me play with his paws. This dog would bark at everyone walking by and it drove me crazy, because really he was just a big scared cat. He was scared of balloons and would run out of the room if he saw one. He was scared of his doggie door too. The problem was, he wasn't scared of moving cars. One day he was barking at a huge bus and was running under the tires I thought for sure he was a goner. On Monday March 19th I woke up and was going to put him in the front yard because I didn't want mud in my house and it had rained and the backyard was muddy. But I let him out anyways. Hannah was home because she had her tonsils out and we were watching a movie when a neighbor knocked on the door. I thought for some reason he was saying that someone had died, I kept thinking oh great who now?! But when trent came in I said " What??" He said "Charlie's Dead" That was weird to process. He got out of the backyard and ran right into the car. I don't know if it was pregnancy hormones, me trying to cope with my mother in laws death , or because it was the first pet.. maybe all three but I cried for like three days!! :) I was worse than the kids! I will miss his deviant little ways of standing on the table, trying to beg for food but than was so picky he wouldn't eat it. I would be downstairs and he would try to come down but when he saw me and I would say "CHARLIE" He ran up the stairs! We told the kids that Nana must have wanted a little dog in heaven to play with. He looked like a wet rat when we would get him out of the tub.
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