Tuesday, February 16, 2010

SO, now that I don't have facebook, and if you didn't know I don't have it anymore.. where have you been? I have got to say, I actually have gotten a lot done. I moved Austin downstairs to a new room, which required me to clean out junk that has been here since we moved in. I have gone through Austin and FAith's baby blessings and put all the sheets together to make one sheet. ( I had everyone write down what they heard at the blessing, and sadly I hadn't put them all together till now 5 years later) I have caught up on my laundry~ That is a BIG one. I do miss out on somethings. First thing, I feel like I don't know what is going on with everyone anymore. I don't miss being on the computer too long however. That was addicting and my kids didn't get any mom time because of it. So, I check my email everyday for about ten minutes. Wow talk about going from hours to minutes on the computer. I am actually reading four books at the moment, only when the kids are asleep, playing, or I am bored. One of which is the book of mormon. I really can't put it down lately. It has become a story and I just want to know MORE. Going to Nauvoo has helped me realize some background of Joseph Smith and his family in his last days. I am also reading the NEw Testament so it's kinda nice to read what is happening while Christ is on the earth and the same time what another group of people are doing at that same time. (Nephites) Don't take me for being someone who reads this often, because it is truly a once in a blue moon thing that I need to work on. However, when you really dive into it it does become a story. Anyways now I am getting off track, my point is even though I check my email, I don't get any news. So come on people, send me an email once in a blue moon~ dizzyvertigo@hotmail.com


skcoe said...

We're BUSY! And Mayci is sick again and I'm supposed to be reading the Scarlet Letter for book club, but SErIOUSLY...I don't know if I'll finish. It's one of those you actually have to read when it's QUIET. Geesh.

How are your kids? We need to get all the cousins together one day- I keep hoping for warm weather but apparently winter is NEVER LEAVING.

Maybe a game night sometime soon?

kelli said...

You should read the Hunter Games. I read it in one night.