Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ok I have been waiting for the clear until I could leak the news and I am so excited! You all know my friend Lyndee, I have talked about her on here many times with pictures of her and Faith. She is a second mom to Faith and we love her. A while back she was making hats to help for her IVF fund to try and have a baby. The dr. told her it was 1 in a million to get pregnant, well lo and behold on Faith's birthday she found out that she was pregnant without IVF !!! I am so excited for her little family and know she already is and will be a great mother! I'm excited for you too Lyle! You are a good dad! That's the fun news in a nutshell but read her blog about it, it's an uplifting story of hope and "faith" She doesn't know this but it has even strengthened me within and I know that Heavenly Father does look out for our needs. They may not turn out the way we want, but he does care and its not until after the trial do we see he has been there all along.


Alisa and Crowells said...

That is amazing!! Miracles still do exist and happen all the time--even when it doesn't seem like they do. Congratulations! How exciting

Lyndee W. said...

I'm crying. I sure love you Jame...you and your brood! Thanks for being such an amazing friend and for all your help while I've been sick.