(Finally getting some hair!)
(WAtching her show)
(From Kelli)
(From Lyndee)
Today Faith is 11 months old! Man where did all the time go?! Last I remember it was December!! She has been one busy little bee. She loves to pull all my shoes out, sit and stare at all the food when I open the fridge. She loves watching "The Cricket in the Hearth". I taught her how to sign "Milk", "more", and she has learned to blow a kiss. She loves looking in my purse and pulling everything out. She loves to "help" with the dishes and adores her siblings!She does these cool little tricks with her tongue, and when she hears anything clicking, she clicks her tongue. She has learned to climb up the stairs. She has learned that she can climb .. ANYTHING!
She is too too cute and we still havent met her :(
I can't believe she climbed on the piano! LOL. I love that little angel!
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