Monday, November 5, 2012

UPDATE- Hope is starting to get a little personality now. She learned to smile a couple weeks ago and tries to coo. She looks at me and smiles so cute you can see her dimple. Her dimple is opposite of where Hannah's is. Yesterday was her blessing. There were beautiful words said during them. I am grateful for all the support to all who came. Afterwards we had a bunch of sugary breakfast treats like donuts. I think we are all on a sugar high today. Lyndee made her dress,and Rosy made her head band. It was all about the love of friends and family :).

For halloween the kids were superhero's. Faith was so cute she kept saying "THANK YOU' to the people handing out the treats. If she didn't think they heard she waited until they did. When she got home she passed out the candy and said "You're WELCOME" Then on one house the couple was laughing and looked at me while I was waiting down by the sidewalk "SHE IS A KEEPER" and they laughed. I asked Faith what she did. I guess she took two lights because she liked two colors.  She started with trick or treating with Wilkerson's and then Lyndee took some awesome Halloween pictures. Then we met up with Rosy and Cami Jo and went with them. Faith trick or treated with Karina, and Austin with Thomas. Hannah went with some friends and I was starting to get worried but they finally came back in around 8:30. I was about to go drive around, and I think she knew that because the minute she came in she said "SORRY!" The next morning some teens smashed the pumpkins and the kids were not very happy. I heard Austin say "If I find out who did that,.." lol

Right now I am trying to find thebalance between homeschooling Hannah, Faith, and Hope.

Thanksgiving Posts for things I am grateful for:

Day 1- I am first and foremost thankful for God. I don't care what religion you are I truly believe in a God who loves all of us. One that weeps when we weep, one that smiles and laughs, one that lo...ves regardless of race, religion, gender, sexuality, the hardships in life, rich or poor,.... should I go on? I believe one of the biggest blessings he has best...owed on his children that too many forget is to "Love one another, do not judge" You see that's his priority and only one who has been through my shoes and back is the only one I want judging. More importantly, my God is here for us and is one to not take away the trials of life no matter how brutal, but one to carry us through them.

Day 2- I am grateful for the trials of life. There are some that I can't imagine going through, and my heart goes out to those struggling. But for my personal experience you have to have a flood before the rainbow can appear. I am who I am because of them. You really get to know yourself when you go are faced with adversity, and if one allows it, you get to know how merciful God truly is.

How beautiful a person who has been through life, God doesn't give us trials to hurt us, but to make us the strong person he knows we are, and even though he has to obey his own laws and when others make choices that hurt us, he can be there to hold our hand. Listen to these lyrics of Laura Story - "Blessings"

Day3- I have realized how much of a gift this truly is, but I am grateful for the gift of compassion that God has given me. ISometimes it comes back to bite me in the butt because I let people walk over me, but I realize now that not has a lot of it. However, I do believe everyone has a chance to work on it,andI hope I can claim more of it. I am someone that even if I don't agree with what you are doing, if others are going to put you down, my protective mode comes out in me to protect the underdog. I can't watch the news or read an obituary without it affecting me. Funny story: When I had been married for a couple years, Trent and I were driving home. I was silently letting the tears flow by looking out the window. Trent obviously noticed and asked "Jamie, have you been reading the obituary's again?" caught me red handed. For a long time I wanted to be a mortician but more like a funeral director. People think I am crazy, but I wanted to be one to have the sacred caring duty of preparing & dressing the body until resurection, no matter how they died, they would be kept safe until the time comes again. I wanted to help families in mourning, but Trent said the families would have to comfort me, I decided a different path lol

Day 4- I am grateful for Blessings. What a great one today because my daughter Hope McKenna was blessed. What a blessing she has been in our life so far. I am thankful for everyone who came to support, or wanted to be there but couldn't. thankful for friends who helped make her day special by making her dress. (Thank you Lyndee Visarraga Wilkerson Lyndee Lou) her headband (Thank you Rosy Keele! I should've gone to catholic school to learn all the talents you posess lol)

DAY 5: Today I am grateful to be a member of the Coe Clan. Honestly, these are the greatest people that would give you the coat off their back to help you. I was always amazed while dating Trent how his parents would welcome anyone into the...
ir home when they were traveling through St.George. Their home was a
place where the spirit was strong and you felt right at home. Anyone who meets the coes can feel the love right off the bat. I am thankful for everyone of them, even if I have been shy around some more than others I have all seen the love they share in their family and they all have each others backs.( some may wish I was shy aroundthem jk lol) When Martha passed I was so amazed at the support the family had received. I had many people tell me that a lot of people loved the Coes. IHowever, I already knew that. In the past there were times in my life when I acted out and should seriously be shunned by some of them lol, but instead they gave me their amazing grace to me and treated me as if I hadn’t done anything wrong to them. I hope they realize that the phase I was going through, while difficult, has helped me become the woman I knew I could be and that I am truly sorry for any sorrow I left them, and that do think the world of them. I love each and every member of Trent’s family. I love hanging out with the girls, I miss doing date nights, girls nights, and talking Martha’s ear off. How I am so fortunate to be a part of this family ?Who can really say they love their in laws as their own? I love talking with my nieces and nephews and some even give me some beauty tips and like scary movies ;) I could go on and on about them, however I will tell you a funny story. The first one is when I was dating Trent and this drop dead beautiful girl came to the door with him. My roommates were flabbergasted that he would do such a thing and in my mind I was thinking “ Oh crap who can beat that?!” So when I got in the car I asked her right away what her name was and where she was from… I think she could sense my anxiousness and told me “I am Trent’s Sister”.. ahh the relief. I am grateful that even through hard times, my father in law has found a wonderful woman to share life with. How many can say they have two caring, beautiful mother in laws? Most can’t even say that about one!

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