Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Couldn't have said it better myself

She took the words right out of my mouth!!! Read this from Mommy Mormon Blog:

"When I was 14 years old, I had my whole life planned out.
I knew where I was going to go for college, what my major would be, and when I would graduate.
I planned to have a large family with my kids close together because I knew pregnancy would be so easy for me. I loved growing up in my big family where we were all so close in age so it only made sense. I even had a guy in mind.
I would be the best mom ever because I would have boundless energy and would play with them all the time. We would cook, and clean, and make crafts together too. I would always be patient and never get mad.
I knew I would be the perfect wife. The kind of wife that would "wow" her husband everyday for the rest of eternity. I would maintain my clean house and cook yummy meals for my family every day, all with my hair and make-up perfectly done.
But a lot can happen in 12 years.
I did indeed go the college I wanted but did not major in my originally planned occupation, nor did I finish anywhere near when I had planned.
I met my husband after I had sworn off men for all eternity.
After nine solid months of pure torture, misery, and nausea, I couldn't understand why girls talked about pregnancy like it was a good thing. I was pretty sure I would never have another one. I have since forgotten what having boundless energy means. Cook, clean, and make crafts together? Hahahaha... ha... ha. Too often I opt for the easy road and do it all myself instead of taking the time to let my kids join in, because it's easier.
I'm lucky my husband hasn't left me by now, as my mood tends to change depending on the weather and/or how long I got to stay in my hot shower. (Of course, I blame all of that on the pregnancies.)
Cleaning gets so very, very old and I can't keep up with it all anyway. I do try to cook but sometimes pancakes for all three meals of the day are in order. I confess I do do my hair and make-up most days but that is simply done for my own sanity's sake and not with the intention of impressing anyone because half the time I don't even leave the house.
I still plan. I plan how my life will be tomorrow, and the next month, and the next year. But my plans never, ever seem to work out the way I planned them too. I can't even seem to make it through the first hour of my planned morning because someone will have decided to wake up earlier than usual, cranky of course, and mess it all up.
Everyday I plan to be better with my kids, with my house, with my art, with my husband. But I still have to lock myself in my bedroom once in a while to get a grip on myself before braving the four screaming voices that come seeping through the door.
The Cheerios still crunch under my feet as I walk through the kitchen, and sometimes the clean laundry sits in a pile on the floor. I still have half-done drawings and half completed books. And I still struggle to understand how my husband managed to get here from Mars or why I get all miffed if he looks at me the wrong way after I've had a bad day.
Everyone knows life never goes according to plan. Yet, I tend to think that I will be the exception. It hasn't proven true yet but I'll keep planning. It gives me focus, goals and direction.
Even if the cracker crumbs on the floor are relentless.
Even if my bed only gets made three times a week.
Even if I read a book instead of clean my house.
Because my family still says "I love you" every night before we go to bed. So the laundry can wait... till tomorrow."

Isn't that true??? " Life happens when you make other plans" The only difference here is I don't do my hair and makeup. I have a lot of inner demons of not finishing school, not making ENOUGH money, staying home, and so on that I am facing. STAYING HOME? Am I crazy? Why would I feel bad about that? Because we live in a society where people think you're stupid if you do it. People don't realize it but it also hurts when they reprimands or make you feel "STUPID" for not finishing school. I listen sometimes to Dr.Laura, sometimes she is off her rocker, but other times she hits the nail right on the head. I read her book " In praise of stay at home moms" It mostly talked about career women giving it up so they can stay home, but the last couple of chapters spoke clear to me. I am one of the lucky girls who has a "hero" for a husband, who knows that he wants his wife to stay home with his children and PLAY With them. HE wants to be the hero and let him bring in the money. (IF you don't know what I Am talking about go read the book) In her book she talks about how we live in a unisex society where men want their wives to work so they can have more toys and so on.... You have 18 years to raise your kids. After that you can do whatever you want. It is a sacrifice and I am going through my own battles, but I no longer am going to feel "Sorry,weak, or stupid " for staying home. My time is more important than to worry. They grow up so fast. I am not sure how long my Heavenly Father will keep me on this earth and I want to be remembered as my kids mom. I loved this book, and if you have a husband who wants you to "Help bring in the income because I can't do it all myself" then read the book and LEARN how to stand up. Regardless, this isn't a post about disin' "Working moms" this post is about me. So don't try it, I am not even going to argue I am just happy. . This was an eye opener to me because my "Work" was a full time student. I realize that the hugs, the kisses, the "" Mommy" you're pretty, you're smart, I love you" is more worth it to me than a clean house, an extra income, and life itself. I remember dating Trent and making sure that we were on the same page that I Was going to be a stay at home mom. Some people say I am lucky. I'm not. It's a choice I made a long time ago and I stuck to my guns. I don't know what I would have done if my mom had worked, I was a kid that needed tender, loving, care but than again isn't every child? Trent said "I don't mind if you do work" And I took that as " I want you to work" It made me think twice about marrying him... harsh? No I don't think so.To each their own. Later I realized he was saying he wanted me to stay home but he also didn't have a problem if I chose to work, he wasn't going to tell me what to do and be a dictator. NOW that we are married and have children I try to think of ways I can bring money in,thankfully he tells me to leave it up to him. It's hard to have so much faith in one person and feel like your not contributing. After reading this book, I have cleared my plate of worry, guilt, and instead I am doing what I love- "Being my kid's Mommy"


Eric and Jenny said...

So perfect!

I could not agree more, I have the same feelings when someone says to me you are so lucky to be able to stay at home with your kids. But in my mind it was a decision I made long ago, even as poor law students I still stayed home. I realize that you can't always control your future and down the road you never know, but for know it is such a privledge to stay at home with my kids. Loved your post!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Well said! You added so much more to my post!

My mom never finished school and she never worked. She stayed home and raised the eight of us. And it was awesome. I am so very grateful for a mother who was willing to do that.

I finished school only because I happen to be close enough to the finish line that I was able to wade forward, even if I was pregnant with my third child by then.

My dad often quotes this from Eleanor Roosevelt. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

While I think that's easier said than done, I hope all stay-at-home moms take it to heart.

Awesome post!


lizly said...

i read your blog, even though i am just 22, not married, i couldnt agree with u more. u r a good mother. and honestllly? being a mom is a job! a full time one and NO one can do it better than a mom herself, so u made the right choice! your children will be proud of u one day!