I always felt there might be another baby. However, I was ok with having the three I had, it was easier, cheaper, and I didn't have to go through another pregnancy. In October I felt strong there was another baby. The thoughts came to me " Abraham was called to sacrifice his (son) child, you are called to sacrifice for one. " I knew there was a boy waiting to come to our family. (Yet at the same time now that I am writing this I feel strong there is a girl too... yikes. jk So who knows what the gender is I don't think I can convince the hubby to do this one more time after this, nor can I even want to imagine the sickness with another) I remember talking to my husband who was adamantly against having another one. Pregnancy is a hard time in my household... mommy & wife are gone for a while. It was October 14th 2011 Trent and I went to Texas Road House and were talking about another one. That is when I checked my phone after we were done eating and found out my mother in law was dying. After her death I knew that she lived her life around her family and I too wanted that. I took a test in dec, not sure why but it said positive... or so it sure looked it. Trent said he would believe me after I took three... well those came back negative. I was so surprised. Later he said that he thinks I took it for him. He was ready to say we are done, but got this feeling that maybe one try and that is it. lol Well I got a blood test and it was also negative..... fast forward two weeks later I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant on Christmas.
Week 5- Tired, we went to Bill's house and I would fall asleep sitting up in the chair upstairs. Chinese food (Which I used to HATE) is my cravings, also is cottage cheese with cucumbers
Week 6 - First dr appt, saw the little pea and it was beating on ultrasound, I am sick
Week 7- Sick, was put on Reglan and that seemed to knock the edge off.. Not as sick as I was with Faith... still think it's a boy, but have a girls name picked out lol I get sick around 5 at night, my mouth starts to feel like it is frozen in place.
Week 8- Put on compazine as well. Another ultrasound (dr wants to make sure I am feeling well. I really like her) Cottage Cheese is my food of choice, it smooths my stomach. Uncle Joel told me to go eat some pickles, the way he was talking about it made me crave one at Kelli's. I ended up eating four. Yogurt helps too. I eat every two hours and eating cereal in the morning helps a lot
Week 9- Lost weight, still sick but can't complain .. time is flying by and nothing like faith's pregnancy. Get metallic taste in my mouth that is pretty gross.
Week 10- Sick, contractions and back pain, Dr visit with an Infection. now on macrobid for remainder of pregnancy. Had an ultrasound and saw the baby bouncing.
Week 11- Starting to feel better! Until the end of the week and tired and little sick again, hope there are brighter days ahead! Eat whatever I am craving that we have in the house, however I am craving a peach right now and we don't have any of those.
Sunday I will be at week 12 which is huge step for me. This first trimester has been a blessing in flying by! I have to get up every hour to empty my bladder it feels like, but hopefully soon that will go away and I will get to feel this baby move. My fear of miscarriage is starting to blot out, alot of that is thanks to trent's faith and his blessings. It still feels unreal to me, but I am starting to allow myself to get excited. I am worried about pushing the kids out of their spots when the baby is born. I hope to find out what the baby is on March 23rd.